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Junior - Preparing for a Tournament

Participants: 4  

Age Group: 13 – 18 years old

Program Duration: 6 weeks   

Start date: Thursday’s April 14, 2022 - May 19, 2022

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Service Description 

Each week the students will have 30 minutes with TPI (Titleist Performance Institute Certified and Doctor of Chiropractic) Dr. John Mignelli and 90 minutes of instruction with on course play with PGA of Canada class “A” Travis Glass.

Part of this program will be mobility and fitness counselling with Dr. John Mignelli TPI. These sessions will educate and prepare golfers to manage the physical aspects of competitive golf, as well as how to be physically optimal; before, during and after competition. 


Travis Glass,

PGA of Canada, Class A

U.S. Kids Golf Niagara Local Tour Director

Will teach students to create goals; assess current skills, learn new ones and how to better prepare themselves for a tournament. Travis will teach students how to apply their skills on the course. Students will have access to state of the art Trackman launch monitor technology to help understand proper gapping between clubs and how desired shots can be created.


Week 1- Overall Evaluation (Body mobility and Golf skill assessments)

                Part I – TPI golf mobility assessment

                Part II – Goal setting + expectations Golf Skills assessment

Week 2 - Creating good fitness habits and skill acquisition

                Part I – Follow-Up and Implementation of player-specific mobility and fitness principles

                Part II – Implementation of new skills and techniques (On-course play)

Week 3 – Competition day prep

                Part I – Nutrition – Day of and lead-up to competition

                Part II – Warm up – Tournament logistics + on course application

Week 4 - Review/ repetition and what works best for you

                Part I –Continuation of player-specific exercise + fitness principles

                Part II – Practical On-Course Application

Week 5 – Repetition + Review

Week 6 – Program Exit – Review of goals


Program Cost: $649.00 + HST

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