Level 1 Camp 2024 (July 22nd - 26th)
Level 1 program is another introduction to golf for those who are aged 8-11. Similar to our Beginner program, in a fun environment, EVGA instructors will teach students the basic fundamentals of golf, through a game-based learning approach. Full-swing, short-game/chipping and putting will be taught in stations from Monday-Thursday for the entire session. Each day there will be a short break around 12:50 pm where campers can purchase freezies ($0.75) and other drinks/snacks. After break, campers will play a fun game for the remaining 30-minutes of the session that encompasses what they were taught each day. On Friday, students will spend the entire session on the golf course, putting their skills to the test! 12:00pm - 1:30pm 9 participants $248.40 + hst = $280.69
All cancellation subject to administrative fee of 20% with remaining balance on a gift card.
Eagle Valley Golf Club, Saint Paul Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada